The 5 white poisons

The 5 white poisons you consume daily and do not contribute to your health. In our diet there are foods that should be called "poison", because they have little nutritional value and may even be harmful to our health. Known as "white poisons", refined sugar, salt and refined flour, among others, are the cause of different diseases that are considered serious, they are degenerative diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension and even cancer.

1) The refined salt mine. Junk food is full of refined salt, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, consume any salt amounts between 8 and 20 times more than they should eat. For the purpose of sodium and potassium in balancing, should consume 1,500 milligrams per day, but if ignored, is when they appear related to heart disease.

2) Refined sugar is not good because it does not provide any nutrients, provides energy, but nothing more. This is made up of glucose and fructose. The problem is the way in which consume, because the fruits and vegetables themselves, and sugars. Refined sugars are causing obesity, nutritional imbalance, cavities and more. Chemical sweeteners are also harmful, as they increase the risk of cancer, such as aspartame, saccharin and cyclamate, which can be found in products like diet soda.

3) When more refined flour fine white flour is less fiber, vitamins and minerals contained. White bread, bran bread, pastries breads contain no vitamins or minerals, while favoring cavities, cancer, cholesterol and diabetes. The most recommended are loaves of rye bread and wheat bread.

4) refined white rice Like flour, refined by passing rice takes away all the energy and vitamins that can have.

5) Cow's milk is considered to be the main cause of allergies in children, according to the Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology USA. And the milk is also rich in saturated fat and cholesterol. Some studies, including related to diabetes and even osteoporosis, because due to being low in magnesium, keeps the bones absorb calcium.

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