Faster food to be digested must wait for slower digestion leaving the stomach. This process can take 6 to 8 hours and meanwhile, quickly digested foods such as fruits, vegetables (cooked and raw) and some starches undergo some decomposition and fermentation, which can cause gas, acid, bloating abdominal, heartburn and stomach pain, weight gain, generating toxins, nutrient malabsorption and indigestion. For better digestion, you should eat more liquid food first and chew solid food until it becomes liquid before swallowing.
If we look at nature, we see that the animals do not mix food. Usually eat one food at a time, ie a "mono-diet", and there is a reason why. Different types of foods take longer to digest. When combined protein, starch, fat and sugar is a challenge for digestion. Unfortunately, that's exactly how most people eat today and the reason why the problem of digestion is number one in the developed countries.
Todo aquello que se consume, bien se digiere con facilidad o bien fermenta si se ha tomado una mala Everything that is consumed either easily digested or fermented whether taken a bad combination of foods. Ideally eat mono-meals, but this is perhaps too much to ask so the best solution for proper digestion is to eat foods that combine well and are easy to digest. A natural diet, simple, well combined and low in fat can prevent and solve many of the common health problems.
When foods are not well combined, plus feel weak, bloated, tired, sleepy, heavy, gas and lack of energy, can often lead to serious digestive conditions and chronic problems. The prolonged combination of many varieties and incompatible foods at one meal causes 90 percent of digestive disorders.
Proper food combining helps conserve energy, absorb nutrients and give the body a chance to cleanse itself of toxins. If you avoid processed foods and eat raw, especially fruits and vegetables, the result of digestion and elimination will be more even and smooth, and you will feel energized, lighter, cleaner, more beautiful skin with and lose weight having efficient digestion, especially if you avoid late dinners and complicated.
These rules of food combination should not be taken literally, as we all have a digestion and assimilation capacity differently. They should be seen as a guide to help you understand which combinations to avoid in the future to avoid causing discomfort. Nobody knows your body better yourself and what feels good to one person, another person may not work for you. The body always tells us to tolerate specific foods or some combination. Just ask yourself how you feel after eating.
For more information go: guide for proper food combining.
Source: Copyright © by Natturalia.com