Believing the commercial promise of making the breakfast a meal much healthier, many people do not immediately dismiss a yogurt in the morning. But along with the type of milk and sugar, a consumer ingesting ends emulsifier, flavoring, acidulant, preservative and dye which, in excess, can cause allergies and digestive dysfunctions and metabolic diseases.
Afternoon sandwich cookies often serve as branch breaks off hunger for hours or snack that goes in the lunchbox son to school. With "natural" chocolate, strawberry or vanilla, fme damned fools - but not power! Loaded with sugar, these cookies still has plenty to give additive and saturated color, smell, texture ... as bad as they are the noodles - a hazard for those who have hypertension, the amount of salt that place. They are 58% of the recommended daily value per serving.
In this type of noodles and various snacks like crackers and chips, also enter the formula monosodium glutamate (MSG), because its flavor stimulates the desire to eat more. No wonder that when you open a packet of crisps, the person usually does not settle to devour the last package.
Functional Nutritionist, personal diet and director of the Multidisciplinary Clinical Nutrition that bears his name, Luciana Harfenist, explains how the MSG: "It stimulates receptors of the tongue producing a taste that is known with the name of umami - in Japanese means tasty or delicious - and that interferes with the perception of taste. "
According to the expert, many children who consume foods with MSG normally repel natural foods. "The aggravating factor is that in almost all processed foods, including cookies, pastries".
And there is no danger to: about 70% of the MGS is composed of glutamic acid, excitatory amino acid that plays a role in our cells which could lead to brain damage. "Monosodium glutamate can still increasing headache and muscle tenderness in the craniofacial region," says Luciana, noting that binge will not damage health, but daily consumption. For lovers of Japanese cuisine, good news: it is commercially available versions of shoyu with natural fermentation and no MSG.
Some studies confirm the relationship between this flavor enhancer and child hypertension and migraine. Others point out that the body uses glutamate as a transmitter of nerve impulses in the brain - and its consumption is associated with learning disabilities, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cancer. Of course the manufacturer denies. And that says it all depends on the dose of consumption ... It turns out that the consumption of foods grown with increasing purchasing power of the Brazilian.
OK, the child ate something healthy and is entitled to a prize of candy or lollipop, right? For the sweets in general have acidulant, flavoring and artificial coloring. The latter may cause allergies and, in the long term, damage digestive metabolic and neurological up. Best offer a prize of truth, as an avocado cream with shaved chocolate, or strawberry mousse Persimmon geladinhos.
For adults, the best thing is to run the fairs grocers to ensure, so a really nutritious food.
The Well it is a good saute onion and garlic and use herbs that are increasingly available.
SOURCE: Journal Vegetarians