The Spanish Society of Cardiology (ESC) has warned that the continued use of clothes too tight may promote the development of cardiovascular problems, which restricts blood flow through the veins.

According to these experts, tight clothing causes the heart to make an extra effort and raise blood pressure, which causes it to retain fluids and toxins and enhances the appearance of cellulite and fat deposits in certain areas of the body.

The cardiologist Mar Moreno, member of the SEC, said that tight clothing is considered "one that precludes movements naturally and, after having taken a few hours, leave marks on the skin."

Also, wearing clothes that are too tight to the body (whether pants, skirts, dresses or shirts, shirts and other garments) could hinder obstruct digestion and, in some cases, proper air flow and oxygen throughout the body.

The difficulties in the return of venous blood and increased edema (fluid accumulation) facilitates the appearance of thrombi (clots) venous, mainly in the legs, which can cause pulmonary infarction, the SEC explained.

Indeed, Moreno said that "tight clothing can result in venous thrombosis and pulmonary hypertension cause with onset of respiratory distress and, if the detachment of thrombi is massive, can produce death."

Tingling and numbness in parts of body, especially hands and feet "is a sure sign you have to wear looser clothes," says this expert.

Tight clothing and carbohydrates, a bad combination.

The name sounds weird, but I'm sure you've ever felt pain, irritation, burning or stinging in your private parts. It is an opportunistic infection and multifactorial, caused by Candida albicans, which occurs when conditions favor the proliferation of yeast.

When are these conditions? According to Dr. Monstserrat Cararach, a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Centre Ginecològic Santiago Dexeus in Barcelona, there are a number of factors that promote infection, and treatment with antibiotics, uncontrolled diabetes, elevated estrogen levels (for example, during pregnancy), stress, immune deficiency states, the use of tight clothing, excessive sugar intake or use of unsuitable soaps that alter the vaginal flora, among others.

"Now that it's summer, remember that moisture fungus proliferates, adds Dr. Cararach. It is not advisable to keep the wet bathing suit too long or leave it set to eat."

We must clarify that the female genitalia have a natural moisture in summer increases favoring the proliferation of fungi and bacteria that cause the dreaded vaginal infections. So although fads, not to overindulge in leggings and skinny jeans, as well as synthetic fiber underwear because they increase the warmth and the generation of vaginal infections. For example, certain fabrics such as nylon favor the growth of bacteria and the presence of fungi.
Moreover, although candidal vulvovaginitis (VVCR), the name is known to this condition is not considered a sexually transmitted disease, it does increase with the onset of sexual intercourse.
For the prof. Rafael Comino, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Chief of Service, University Hospital of Puerto Real (Cádiz), "the VVC is poorly treated disease and is a tremendously important because it affects the quality of life of the woman who has it." Pruritus appears in 90% of cases and is usually feel a burning during urination and even pain during intercourse (dyspareunia).
In terms of their level of incidence, as reflected in the consensus document submitted by the group of experts vaginitis collaboration with Bayer, between 5% and 8% of all adult women (between 975,000 and 1,560,000 ) will have an episode during their life. Furthermore, 50% of women at age 25, will be experienced at least one episode, a figure that rises to 75% for premenopausal women.
To avoid infection should start a series of preventive measures and above all, avoid recurrence of the fungus. Among them, the use of loose clothing, preferably cotton, especially in the area of ​​contact with the genital area, and the use of hygiene products specially formulated for vaginal area, which may also contribute to a better control of disease.
The ideal treatment is one that combines proper drugs, s as Clotrimazole with other topically administered vaginal level, without forgetting the importance of maintenance therapy with weekly or monthly patterns for 6-12 months.
In the case of a possible pregnancy, it is recommended to use clotrimazole vaginal. It is also advisable to treat vulvar area with mild soap acid specific for intimate hygiene, and also apply the antifungal cream shaped to eliminate Candida infections in the skin and prevent further occurrences.