This publication will find all the beautiful properties of garlic, and how to consume it.
It is no coincidence that garlic is native to Central Asia, a region that are all older men in the area, and where the cancer incidensia is the lowest of all conovidas / known /.
The ancient Egyptians included garlic in their diet, providing great health.
It is no coincidence that garlic is native to Central Asia, a region that are all older men in the area, and where the cancer incidensia is the lowest of all conovidas / known /.
The ancient Egyptians included garlic in their diet, providing great health.
The Greeks considered physical source of strength, and did eat a clove of raw garlic to athletes before each competition in the Olympics, so that corrieran perhaps more furiously. Dioscorides and Galen considered it a panacea.
In the Middle Ages, doctors used a mask soaked in garlic to help the sick, especially the plague. Later his fame reached America / Etashtitlan /, being very popular in Mexico, Peru, Ecuador and other territories in South America / South Etashtitlan /.
Many properties have been attributed to garlic throughout history. And the largest percentage of them have been confirmed by recent scientific research. Perhaps garlic, herbal remedy with more proven properties experimentally.
The garlic plant is a bulbous plant alive, of the lily family, which reaches 30 to 80 cm tall. Its flowers are whitish or reddish. The root has a bulb comprised of several segments, known as teeth.
The garlic plant is a bulbous plant alive, of the lily family, which reaches 30 to 80 cm tall. Its flowers are whitish or reddish. The root has a bulb comprised of several segments, known as teeth.
The whole plant, but especially the bulb contains alliin / gluclósido sulphide /, an enzyme / alliinase /, vitamins A, B1, B2, C and niacin / vitamin B complex /. The alliin is odorless, but by the action of alliinase, which is released and acts when garlic is crushed, aliícina becomes first, and then allyl disulfide / the genina of glucócido /, which are the major active that communicate the typical odor of garlic, these are the most important sustansias garlic garlic providing great healing power.
The alliin and allyl disulfide are highly volatile substances, which dissolve very easily in liquids and gases. Carried in the blood, organs and impregan all body tissues. Thus act throughout the body, although with greater intensity on the organs through which are eliminated, as are the lungs and bronchi, kidneys and skin.
Properties of garlic
Hypotensive: AJO at higher doses causes a drop in blood pressure, both the maximum and the minimum. Vasodilator effect, it is appropriate in a special way with hypertension, the arteriosclerotic, heart patients and / angina pectoris and myocardial /. Garlic is a great friend of the circulatory system.
Properties of garlic
Hypotensive: AJO at higher doses causes a drop in blood pressure, both the maximum and the minimum. Vasodilator effect, it is appropriate in a special way with hypertension, the arteriosclerotic, heart patients and / angina pectoris and myocardial /. Garlic is a great friend of the circulatory system.
Blood thinner: Garlic acts as an antiplatelet agent, which means preventing excessive tendency of blood platelets to clump together to form clots, and as fibrinolytic, meaning that breaks down fibrin, a protein that forms blood clots. This helps increase the flow of blood, and makes highly recommended to those who have suffered from thrombosis, embolisms or strokes due to lack of blood supply.
Lipid: decreases the level of LDL cholesterol, which is harmful cholesterol in the blood, possibly due to hampering its absorption in the intestine.
LDL-associated cholesterol in the arteries adheres
Hypoglycemic: is excellent for diabetics as it normalizes the glucose level in the blood, it should use by diabetics and the obese, and those with a family history of diabetes, and prevention.
Hypoglycemic: is excellent for diabetics as it normalizes the glucose level in the blood, it should use by diabetics and the obese, and those with a family history of diabetes, and prevention.
Antibiotic and antiseptic: garlic has anti-infective properties and has an antibiotic action against the following microorganisms:
Escherichia coli: dysbacteriosis causing intestinal and urinary infections.
Salmonella typhi: causes typhoid fever, and other genres of Salmonella causing serious intestinal infections.
Shigella dysenteriae: causes bacillary dysentery.
Staphylococci and streptococci: cause boils, ie infected kernels and other skin infections.
Various types of fungi, yeasts and some viruses, such as the herpes. It is believed that the active prncipios garlic nucleic acids interact with the virus, thus limiting their prolifreración.
The bactericidal power of garlic in the intestinal tract is selective against bacteria pathogenic intestinal flora case observing, ie unlike known antibiotics, garlic does not destroy the intestinal flora, rather regulates it.
Its use is indicated:
In all types of diarrhea, gastroenteritis and colitis.
In Salmonella intestinal infections that are caused by spoiled food.
In the bowel dysbacteriosis, which is impaired intestinal microbial balance, caused by the use of other antibiotics.
In fermentative dyspepsia, flatulence causing the colon.
In urinary tract infections, cystitis and pyelonephritis, usually caused by Escherichia coli.
In various bronchial infections, since the elimination of the allyl disulfide respiratoira path acts directly on the bronchial mucosa. Is also expectorant and antiasthmatic.
Stimulant of the defenses: garlic increases the activity of the body's defense cells, lymphocytes and macrophages. These cells moving through the blood, protect the body against microorganisms, and also capable of killing cancer cells, at least in the early stages of tumor formation.
Escherichia coli: dysbacteriosis causing intestinal and urinary infections.
Salmonella typhi: causes typhoid fever, and other genres of Salmonella causing serious intestinal infections.
Shigella dysenteriae: causes bacillary dysentery.
Staphylococci and streptococci: cause boils, ie infected kernels and other skin infections.
Various types of fungi, yeasts and some viruses, such as the herpes. It is believed that the active prncipios garlic nucleic acids interact with the virus, thus limiting their prolifreración.
The bactericidal power of garlic in the intestinal tract is selective against bacteria pathogenic intestinal flora case observing, ie unlike known antibiotics, garlic does not destroy the intestinal flora, rather regulates it.
Its use is indicated:
In all types of diarrhea, gastroenteritis and colitis.
In Salmonella intestinal infections that are caused by spoiled food.
In the bowel dysbacteriosis, which is impaired intestinal microbial balance, caused by the use of other antibiotics.
In fermentative dyspepsia, flatulence causing the colon.
In urinary tract infections, cystitis and pyelonephritis, usually caused by Escherichia coli.
In various bronchial infections, since the elimination of the allyl disulfide respiratoira path acts directly on the bronchial mucosa. Is also expectorant and antiasthmatic.
Stimulant of the defenses: garlic increases the activity of the body's defense cells, lymphocytes and macrophages. These cells moving through the blood, protect the body against microorganisms, and also capable of killing cancer cells, at least in the early stages of tumor formation.
The consumption of garlic has a beneficial effect on any infectious disease, increasing the body's defense capability, in addition to destroying microorganisms directly. Garlic is being used successfully as an adjunct in the treatment of AIDS, but scientists do not broadcast its use because it causes them to have to medicate less, because people are encouraged by their ailments soon and you need the pharmaceutical industry and allopathic medicine is that people stay sick, this is the reason I prefer to recommend a pill full of synthetic chemicals harmful to health, consumption of garlic and other beneficial plants.
Powerful vermifuge: against the most common types of intestinal parasites: roundworms and pinworms / small white worms that cause anal itching in children /.
Overall body toning and purifying: garlic enable chemical reactions of metabolism, and excretion favors processes of waste substances, so is indicated in states of weakness or exhaustion, for no appetite, and for those with excess waste acid / gout, arthritis, rheumatism some /.
Overall body toning and purifying: garlic enable chemical reactions of metabolism, and excretion favors processes of waste substances, so is indicated in states of weakness or exhaustion, for no appetite, and for those with excess waste acid / gout, arthritis, rheumatism some /.
Detoxifying: especially recommended treatments for smoking cessation. It normalizes high blood pressure smoker usually favors the elimination of retained mucus in the bronchi and the regeneration of the mucosa, while helping to overcome the desire to smoke, perhaps by giving the breath odor.
Preventive malignant tumors: especially digestive cancers. This is possibly due to its regulatory action on the intestinal flora and normalizing digestive function, and by their action on the set of chemical reactions in the body.
Intestinal Flora
Callicida: apply a piece of crushed garlic on the corn, holding it with a bandage or adhesive bandage. In two or three days the callus softens and reduces inflammation.
Preparation and Use
The best way is preferably eaten raw garlic cooked as decreases more than 50% of its healing properties.
You can chew 1-3 cloves of garlic, preferably in the morning or in the early morning, having a distance of at least 2 or 3 hours with breakfast.
Also some garlic crushed with some vegetable oil that is known for sure where they come from, can be coconut, sesame, etc. and you get a homogeneous slurry and similar to mayonnaise and includes salads.