Sugary drinks, a path to the grave for thousands of people

 Las bebidas azucaradas, un camino hacia la tumba para miles de personas

Sugary drinks are related to more than 180,000 deaths a year worldwide, according to a new study presented at the American Heart Association (AHA).

About one hundred deaths on the planet is related to obesity caused by consumption of sugary drinks, reports Gitanjali Singh, a researcher at Harvard School of Public Health and lead author of a study on the health effects of the consumption of sweetened beverages.
According to the authors of the AHA study obesity increases the risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some cancers, and people who consume too many drinks containing sugar, such as soft drinks, juices, energy drinks and sports, tend to rise weight.
Years of collecting data on factors that may affect our weight, like watching a lot of television, changes in the level of physical activity, smoking and consumption of all types of food and drink, allowed scientists to detect Harvard particularly sugary drinks that cause weight gain and consequently death.
"The researchers examined changes in the consumption of sugary drinks and then their relationship with changes in body fat or BMI (body mass index) and subsequent deaths from cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer," says Rachel Johnson, professor of nutrition at the University of Vermont in Burlington and chairwoman of the Nutrition Committee of the American Heart Assocation.
So the analysis in this area and can prove scientifically that in parts of the world where the consumption of sugary drinks is higher because more people die of diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
According to the study, among the 35 largest countries in the world, Mexico is the one with the highest rates of mortality from sugary drinks, and Bangladesh, where minors. United States is third.

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