Sexy Beine und verführerisch
Attractive and seductive legs are considered as one of the parties} {porseles most beautiful female body, needing care to stay well. Let us tips for our legs look more attractive and alluring.
The legs bear also a heavy workload during the day and its performance depends largely on the flexibility and elasticity of the body. For attractive and seductive legs are intact and have to take care to avoid discomfort and heaviness, tremor, cramps or appearance of small varices, you must follow certain routines and exercises.
If your Mersed is lucky and has some sexy legs, seductive, toned, firm and glowing skin, the way has won: however, the exercises will help you look even more its charms.
Problems Affecting attractive and seductive legs
Swelling: if your daily work required to stay too long sitting or standing, it is likely that the end of the day you find that your legs or feet are swollen due to fluid accumulation. A simple way to prevent swelling of the legs is to do a little walk to stimulate circulation. Rotate the ankle about five times now and then also gives good results.
If he comes home with swollen legs or feet, lie down a moment, raise the feet above the head line and within minutes you will see how to decrease swelling. It is also important to consume enough amount of water and reduce the amount of salt in your meals.
While ensuring that crossing your legs is a touch of feminine elegance, are best left loose to allow energy to flow without obstructing traffic.
Circulation: the legs are the most likely to have circulation. Furthermore, venous insufficiency problems are accentuated in women. During the time of pregnancy hormonal fluctuations increased capillary fragility and leg veins do not support changes in weight, this should be the blue and red veins come to the surface of the legs.
The most likely of the legs to the appearance of the veins marked place on the inside of the knees, the thighs and the outside of the ankle.
When buying shoes, go for a comfortable and low-cut. As for the costume, be aware that loose clothing of natural fibers allows better breathability.
Although he likes tight clothing is not advisable to use very tight pants, as these prevent blood from flowing normally, it is best to leave the legs free and angry.
Avoid baths likewise very long and very hot water, the cold water is best because it allows blood to circulate freely, preventing the appearance of varicose veins.
How to look attractive and seductive legs?
Do not wear heels. This will decrease the risk of circulatory problems.
At night, moisten your hands with oil and gently massage his legs from the bottom up starting with the ankle.
Do not forget to look attractive and seductive legs should have your feet very well maintained and free of calluses, to do yourself a pedicure every week.
The skin tends to dry her legs being too covered or bathing in very hot water, this can be countered by adding a little oil, sunflower can be to your bathroom and using a mild soap that will not irritate your skin, massaging also with generous amount of cream and body lotion. Any of these procedures is useful to restore moisture.
Sexy Legs mesmerizing
If you take into account the following tips, surely his legs more attractive and alluring attract a look.
Do not forget that your legs are one of the most important attractions of the female body to keep them smooth and firm must devote at least ten minutes a day.
To give elasticity and firmness to your muscles, put it every day, for five minutes under running cold water and apply moisturizer after a milk form of massage; latter prevent perceived harshness through stockings evenings.
When you get home, apply again a cold shower and get massages starting at the ankles, then place half hour legs up against the wall, and finally relax them on a pillow, so you are always in a higher position than the head, this will help you feel like new.
In regard to the average note that dark tones do see the thin legs, while the clear create the opposite effect.
Remember that water retention and poor circulation can warp and swell the ankles, this being a cause for alarm. If this becomes the case please consult your doctor, while doing so can put your feet up keeping them at an angle to the head, and relieve pressure on the ankles, especially after a day of hard work.
Whenever possible Hydrate skin of her legs through a bathroom nutritious, rich in essential oils such as those containing wheat germ, peach, rosemary, etc.. These ingredients have the same effect as that of a face mask.
To deliver their legs roughness and toxins simply submit a weekly descaling a session using a soft scrub and a moisturizing milk after a shower.
There are also masks based natural products to beautify your legs and make them more attractive and alluring.