We Will speak now about another food or product that this civilization takes good and that is harmful in high grade and they are the ICE CREAMS. On having consumed something frozen and having spent this food to low temperature for the digestive pipe, it closes the pores and digestive papillas, doing that the nutrientes do not absorb and this one fed, together with others who have eaten up with him they are eliminated without having extracted the nutrientes. For this reason the frozen drinks and the ice creams are very harmful. But the industry of the ice cream to gone to incredible extremes in the emulation to gain money on a global scale. In last epochs the ice creams were done by eggs milk, etc., today synthetic poisons are used in his making. The chemistry has substituted the natural products. In laboratories they have done studies and analysis of the substances of the ice creams quevenden and the results have been amazing: The chemical siguientessustancias are used normally in replacement of the fruits, chocolate, milk, etc.: Glicol Dietil: it is a very cheap chemical substance that is used like emulsificador instead of eggs. The glicol dietil is the same chemical product that is used as antifreezer and give brooch of paintings in workshops.