the carrot

Being the mineralizing and vitaminizante of all roots, is recommended for all types of patients with no contraindications. To combat skin disorders like eczema, erysipelas, psoriasis, etc.., Is a great help. Appetite is good against because possessing aromatic substances stimulate appetite ...
The carrot provides substantial mucin, a substance that serves as lubricant ointment and mucous membranes.
For its wealth of phosphorus is excellent as invigorating a tired mind, and as a restorer of nerves. a person whose vision is bad with a light unclear, due to lack of vitamin A, should eat carrots.
It has been appreciated by many beautiful women as an elixir of youth. Raw carrots is highly recommended for children, the fact that requires a neat chewing makes corresponding muscles writhe, strengthen the teeth and clean, and otherwise regularize the intestines; important fact for infants.
Naturally children and patients with bad teeth or defective digestive system, the use grated. Children fed raw carrots from small develop strong, good and ripe carrot raw, you better get a green apple or other fruit.
Sometimes, and this is rare, after it has become very long use of the carrot, appears a yellowing of the skin and whites of the eye, this should not be confused with jaundice or biliary leakage, since it disappears consumption immediately suspended.
We found that the juice has important qualities, some of which are shared with other plants, and others are specific, it is essentially alkalizing, antiseptic, excellent for digestive disorders, weight loss, skin rashes, acidosis, weak hair and eyes, poor nutrition and ulcerous conditions, plus a great enhancer of vigor and vitality.
Its properties are fully explained by the following factors:

1) Your ability to counteract acids and toxins from the body by calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, etc., Which contains in great abundance.
2) The quality unrivaled as a source of vitamins, particularly vitamin A or antiinfective. The sex hormone containing phyto fresh juice, it makes it advisable in cases of sex development delay, lack of menstruation in women, impotence and sterility in these cases will be taken for a long time.
One way to obtain revitalizing elements, is taking carrot juice without any effort to subject the digestive organs.
It is effective in correcting malnutrition, anemia, chlorosis, acidosis, liver disease, poor circulation, chronic infections, ulcers, digestive disorders, gastric and intestinal, external injuries, etc.. In all these cases take about three glasses each day.
Against visual weakness and infections caused from birth, there is nothing beyond that carrot juice, as an example we have the case of L. H. Erwin, of Charleston, who is a great believer in the power of the juice of this root. Rejected by the Navy because of his poor eyesight, was advised by a physician to undergo a diet of carrot juice.
Erwin did, then appeared again on the recruiting station and asked to do the eye exam again.
The skeptic recruitment officer argued against it, but convinced Erwin.
The point is that Erwin passed be completely healthy vision, thanks to carrot juice. Dr. Harold M. Informa Barnett to "American Chemical Society" which, carrots and alfalfa are vast sources of vitamin A for any national emergency.
We know that vitamin A is essential for normal vision.
In this way the vitamin A in the form of carotene can now be produced at low cost, 4047 CARROTS hectare cultivated under suitable conditions, will trillion 20 units of vitamin A.
For the treatment of pyorrhea, dentists everywhere are beginning to recommend pure vegetable juice, especially carrot, supplying as already said, vitamins and minerals to help cure gums.
Its curative effect against rheumatism, gout, arthritis and calculations, due to its large proportion of potassium, which combines with acids. In cases of dropsy, ascites, edema, etc.. also exerts neutralizing acids, alcalinizándolos. Its use is also recommended in diseases of the urinary tract, it is excellent for the kidneys.
As antiseptic juice can be taken several times during the day, especially in infectious diseases.