Under this, Freud called masturbation: SOLITARY VICE (because the other person does not exist except in the imagination).
The masturbator imagines a woman, if male, and vice versa if female and masturbates her name.

The masturbator imagines a woman, if male, and vice versa if female and masturbates her name.
Exhaustion is multiplied, because it is sexual and cerebral. That image of the woman is impregnated in the subconscious and the unconscious process revived in sleep, causing the famous nocturnal emissions, or the more the young masturbates, more will suffer from pollutions.
Masturbation as a solitary vice stimulate EROTIC FANTASY which originates with time women rejection (or viceversa), brain exhaustion and sexual impotence.
Samael Aun Weor says in chapter "Normal Sexuality" of his book Perfect Marriage:
"Fantasy Sexual (or erotic) produces impotence of psycho-sexual. That kind of patients have normal erections, they are apparently normal men, but at the moment they are going to make the connection member and the vulva, the erection yields falling the phallus, being in the most horrible state of desperation. they have lived in sexual fantasy that has nothing to do with reality, then they get confused and are unable to respond to reality as it should. "
The psycho-sexual impotence is the most terrifying tragedy that can afflict fanatical men and women or the people of purely reasoning person type.
The psycho-sexual impotence is the most terrifying tragedy that can afflict fanatical men and women or the people of purely reasoning person type.
"Not only physically fornicate, there is also fornication in the mental and astral worlds. Those who engage in talks lustful type, those who read pornographic magazines, those who attend cinema halls where they exhibit erotic, passionate films, spend huge reserves sexual energy. These poor people use the finest materials and delicate sex, wasting it miserably in the satisfaction of their brutal mental passions. "
Man must learn to live sexually
The outer body temperature is 37 ° C, but the inside is 38 ° C, to masturbate increases.
When the young man masturbating ends a peristaltic movement of absorption takes place and by vacuum, seminal vesicle tries to fill and could do with testicular sperm, but not so because they have just been expelled; moreover, it is easier to suck air to liquid and through the penis absorbs moist air passes to the seminal vesicle, the lymphatic system, reaching the brain producing a thermal shock and cold spaces between neurons and brain cells that are affecting normal cerebral, physical and nervous.
The outer body temperature is 37 ° C, but the inside is 38 ° C, to masturbate increases.
When the young man masturbating ends a peristaltic movement of absorption takes place and by vacuum, seminal vesicle tries to fill and could do with testicular sperm, but not so because they have just been expelled; moreover, it is easier to suck air to liquid and through the penis absorbs moist air passes to the seminal vesicle, the lymphatic system, reaching the brain producing a thermal shock and cold spaces between neurons and brain cells that are affecting normal cerebral, physical and nervous.
In connection with this cold air absorbs masturbator, Samael Aun Weor,philosopher, anthropologist, occultist, sexologist and contemporary psychologist, in the chapter "Sexology" of his book Teaching of Self-knowledge, he says:
"As masturbators, well you know what the vice of masturbation. When somebody masturbates, is committing a crime against nature. After already ejaculated the Entity of Semen, is a peristaltic movement in the phallus, this is known by any man.During masturbation, all that collects the phallus with the peristaltic movement is cold air to the brain, so many cerebral faculties are exhausted. Countless individuals have gone to the madhouse by the abominable vice of masturbation. A full air brain is a stupid brain in a one hundred percent. So we condemn this vice in a one hundred percent. "
Sperm containing DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), carrier of the genetic code of heredity and determines the sexual aspect; RNA (ribonucleic acid), enzymes, proteins, glycosides, lecithin, calcium, phosphorus, biological salts, prostaglandins, amino acids, etc.
And each sperm contains 20% of cerebrospinal fluid. To masturbate, young extracts these components of the organism that does not allow normal development, because that same energy is that it will help develop.
When the masturbator depletes calcium in the body is causing pain in the bones and fatigue in the legs. Strong bones indicate virility. We know that in bone marrow red blood cells are formed, platelets, etc. the young masturbator does not allow proper formation of bone marrow and this brings consequences for life.
When exhausting the phosphorus by masturbation, nervous problems and tremors are generated. The masturbator Significantly depleted lecithin and esta causes neurasthenia That is the general lethargy of nerves.
When the masturbator depletes calcium in the body is causing pain in the bones and fatigue in the legs. Strong bones indicate virility. We know that in bone marrow red blood cells are formed, platelets, etc. the young masturbator does not allow proper formation of bone marrow and this brings consequences for life.
When exhausting the phosphorus by masturbation, nervous problems and tremors are generated. The masturbator Significantly depleted lecithin and esta causes neurasthenia That is the general lethargy of nerves.
Dr. Spitake, remarkable American anatomical, specializing in psychiatry and who was president of the Neurological Society of New York, in the book Creative Energy, attributes various kinds of crazy sexual abuse and masturbation, since the brain is composed mostly of Lecithin , by losing it in the seminal discharge, the body has to go to tissues and nerves in the brain.
When the young masturbates not interested in the time and very quickly loses sexual energy. This generates psychologically premature ejaculation. In addition, the masturbation produces expansion of the sphincters increased even more premature ejaculation on the physical level.
In each ejaculation the man loses from 300 to 400 million sperm with its large power capacity. What man would not achieve if he knew the mystery of the Philosopher's Stone and learn to release the energy of sperm inside his own body? The result is none other than the super-man.
The prostate is a gland located exactly at the bladder neck, secretes a white and viscous liquid that serves as a vehicle to sperm. This gland normally completes its development at 21 years.
The young when masturbates before completing its development (21), causing prostate atrophy after 40 years prostatitis, which is an enlargement of this gland which prevents him urinate and have to use the probe to do so. Then they have to operate and extirpate the gland. This operation like vasectomy generates sexual impotence.
The children of a masturbator are not of good quality, have many problems because they are the product of a worn seed.
Melatonin is the hormone of eternal youth, director and absolute governor of the aging process. It occurs abundantly in youth and decreases after 25 years.
The young when masturbates before completing its development (21), causing prostate atrophy after 40 years prostatitis, which is an enlargement of this gland which prevents him urinate and have to use the probe to do so. Then they have to operate and extirpate the gland. This operation like vasectomy generates sexual impotence.
The children of a masturbator are not of good quality, have many problems because they are the product of a worn seed.
Melatonin is the hormone of eternal youth, director and absolute governor of the aging process. It occurs abundantly in youth and decreases after 25 years.
The young masturbator exhausted melatonin atrophying the pineal gland, decreasing its magnetic field and led him by a rapid process of aging. Masturbation also occurs in women and this is something painful and cruel.
Parallel within the female, the consequences are similar: affects development of the brain, nerves, sexual frigidity, physical exhaustion, memory loss, vitality and magnetism.
Parallel within the female, the consequences are similar: affects development of the brain, nerves, sexual frigidity, physical exhaustion, memory loss, vitality and magnetism.
They suffer most impact on sexual part and the psycho-social behavior as sexual possibilities are decreasing and progressively leads to a rejection of the male.
The young man who masturbates, retains its vitality, beauty, sparkle in the eyes, powerful magnetic field, good timbre, etc. Should avoid pornography, vulgar talks and healthily should select their friends.
Masturbation generates impotence and premature aging. It is known for many impotent men before 40 years.
In his book Fundamental Education, chapter "Adolescence", Samael says:
"There are criminal silences and there are infamous words. Callar about the sexual problem is a crime. Mistakenly Talking about the sexual problem also constitutes another crime."
"The vice of masturbation totally ruins the cerebral potency. You should know that there is an intimate relationship between semen and brain. You need cerebrizar semen. It is necessary seminize the brain. The brain seminized transmuting sexual energy, subliminizándola, making brain power. in this way the cerebrizado semen and the brain is seminizado "."Science TAOGnóstica scrutinizes endocrinology and teaches methods and systems to transmute the sexual energies
"There are criminal silences and there are infamous words. Callar about the sexual problem is a crime. Mistakenly Talking about the sexual problem also constitutes another crime."
"The vice of masturbation totally ruins the cerebral potency. You should know that there is an intimate relationship between semen and brain. You need cerebrizar semen. It is necessary seminize the brain. The brain seminized transmuting sexual energy, subliminizándola, making brain power. in this way the cerebrizado semen and the brain is seminizado "."Science TAOGnóstica scrutinizes endocrinology and teaches methods and systems to transmute the sexual energies
How many faces have been beautiful fade! How many brains are degenerated!
All for lack of a warning shout in the right moment. "
"The vice of masturbation, both young and young ladies has become more common than washing hands.
All for lack of a warning shout in the right moment. "
"The vice of masturbation, both young and young ladies has become more common than washing hands.
Asylums are filled with men and women who ruined their brain in the sickening vice of masturbation. The destiny of masturbators is the mental hospital. "
Masturbation is a psychological problem. A false creation in our subconscious, manipulated by false sexual orientation, friends, etc.
To know that negative psychological aspect and eliminate it, we invite you to visit the following pages.