what is the difference between Karma, Katansia, and Kobudo??
Not only is there the court of karma Saturn there, Anubis kon its 42 judges, judges the souls of current form, however, that just as there pudiéremos a municipal court judging crimes committed in their own district, and there are crimes that transcend jurisdiction and should be judged by higher courts, as the supreme court, so it is in the cosmos, there are crimes that transcend the locality of the land (notice I did not say geagmus), affecting the solar system, the galaxy, or even the universe, crimes such as killing or attacking a messenger of GOD, crimes such as spiritualism, mediumship, which alters the cosmic order, among others. These crimes are judged Katansia courts, which among others is not one, there are many levels of these courts depending on the height of who is judging.
Be it known, that beings who have not judged by the law of Karma, is judged by Katancia, depending on the size of being judged by the court of katansia for that mission. Now, one important thing, the fifth judge, in all courts, is the hardest judge, and that judge is SATAN, that spares nothing, and God has given it the fifth judge, the most ruthless of all judges .
Perhaps some of your worships conoscan the law governing the dragons, perhaps most ignore it, well, this law is called LETKALKALINDRAG, and governs the dragons. And as applied?, Look around you, and observe the levels of wisdom there are beings who are very smart, and others who are very clumsy, there are beings who are excellent mathematicians, and others totally denied to them, there are beings who are wise When choosing the paths of their lives, and others who seem to not be wrong to wrong, well, this is the action of the law of LETKALKALINDRAG on humans. Recommendations to begin improving darmatico capital in this law: 1-Be humble, do not underestimate or belittle anyone, always cultivate the gift of the learner, not create a know, have the humility to learn even the seemingly ignorant and simple . 2-No violates his conscience, he who violates his conscience cut the lines of wisdom, 3 - No surrender the mathematical foundations of the cosmos and of the sources of the wisdom of God, reconsiliese with them 4 - Mute your energy to regenerate their thinking centers.
regarding KOBUDO Act, I want to tell that this law is not a separate law, is simply a magnifier, contrary to the law of LOVE that is a decreaser, making a comparison with the sinusoidal electric current, the KOBUDO , large wave, and LOVE decreases wave amplitude see:
1. The law of love, acts on beings who already have some level of regret over their transgressions to any of the above laws exposed, (Karma, Katancia, Letkalkalindrag), and then comes to a small extent this trasgrecion payment. This law is an instrument widely used by Krestus Lusifer to lighten the burdens of living through the process. Even some diseases are tridimensionalizacion of karma (or Katancia, or letkalkalindrag), which seem hard that are small compared to what you should pay. Zeus Master Kelium Induseus, this instrument has been widely used to perform the Taoist processes and so on processes performed in the chakras where there have been monks, you have been able to download loads cosmic of millions of years, in a matter of days.
2-The law of Kobudo, is contrary to the law of love, the law exposed potensializa previous laws, (Karma, Katancia, Letkalkalindrag), ie an offense charges potensializado 7 times, 13 times, 70 times, or 70 times seven. YA who applies this law?, Violators of consciousness, those who make a crime to full consciousness of what they are doing, and depending on the level of consciensia so goes the potentiation of kobudo.
Examples of application of the law of Kobudo:
Forgiveness Oral sex crime, was made several times that people get rid of their consecuensias vuscaba, however resivir who relapse after this goodness, as the teacher is charged 70 times more expensive than I had ever resivido, and who pass a second time and relapse, we charge 70 times 70, and for every time resiva forgiveness is your responsibility potensializa by 70.
Similarly AZAZELIKO with forgiveness, the great blessing, forced to walk in the ways of God very carefully. On 11 January 1994, (helikron, 1999) was a great forgiveness AZAZELIKO, 14 groups of 14 beings, more info 7 DALYs, more info 7 AVADESAS, and today many of these turned into enemies of the work of God, and about them is fulfilled the judgment, that they return the karma of their crimes, and are charged the karma of their new offenses 70 times seven.
Generally, when someone is aware of something, and violates their conscience HOWEVER, we apply the relevant law (Karma, Katansia, Letkalkalindrag) extended by KOBUDO law, in proportion to the level of violation of his consciousness.