Why The December 21, 2012 nothing happened? The Van Allen Belt protected the Earth from the Sun and more in 2012
Excellent day for all beings who come to this page from your youth in order to know the source of wisdom which flows with milk and honey to feed the soul and the creatures that live in this knowledge i know, today we bring a topic really shows once again that GOD celestial mechanics, used for the salvation of many, but what this astounding fact that today the scientific community of the land, nicely started this interesting topic: An extra ring Van Allen radiation shielded Tierra del Sol in 2012 Van Allen belts are magnetic strips that surround our planet to just thousands of miles above our heads and that protect from radiation trapping charged particles from the Sun For fifty years, it was believed that there were only two rings of such particles, but scientists have been a surprise: A new ring is formed of radiation around the Earth in early September 2012 and continued for more than four weeks before being "annihilated" by a powerful shock wave from the sun, according to a study published in Science. A third Van Hallen belt protected our planet from solar flares in September 2012, until it was destroyed by a large magnitude. Van Allen's rings were first observed in 1958 by the American scientist James Van Allen.
Excellent day for all beings who come to this page from your youth in order to know the source of wisdom which flows with milk and honey to feed the soul and the creatures that live in this knowledge i know, today we bring a topic really shows once again that GOD celestial mechanics, used for the salvation of many, but what this astounding fact that today the scientific community of the land, nicely started this interesting topic: An extra ring Van Allen radiation shielded Tierra del Sol in 2012 Van Allen belts are magnetic strips that surround our planet to just thousands of miles above our heads and that protect from radiation trapping charged particles from the Sun For fifty years, it was believed that there were only two rings of such particles, but scientists have been a surprise: A new ring is formed of radiation around the Earth in early September 2012 and continued for more than four weeks before being "annihilated" by a powerful shock wave from the sun, according to a study published in Science. A third Van Hallen belt protected our planet from solar flares in September 2012, until it was destroyed by a large magnitude. Van Allen's rings were first observed in 1958 by the American scientist James Van Allen.
When cosmic rays hit the Earth's atmosphere decompose creating showers of particles. Both the original particles from the sun or from outer space how are you 'rains' are captured by these belts, forming rings in places where they are trapped by the Earth's magnetic field. Last August, NASA sent a mission, the twin probes Van Allen, to learn more about these belts, as the huge amounts of radiation that pose serious risks to create satellites in geostationary orbit. A new analysis of data collected by the probes by Dan Baker, author of the study and researcher at the University of Colorado, discovered the formation of the third ring. "It was so weird that I thought there was a fault in the instrument (which collected the data)," recalls Baker. "But we saw the same things on every ship, so we had to conclude that it was real." The data sent to Earth by the probes during September initially showed only two tapes, expected, but after a few days, a third less compact electron band. The phenomenon persisted until the third week of September, when it began to languish until a "bombshell" Sun reached practical mind "annihilated." Scientists do not know how often these events occur, but believe, given the experience, which can occur quite frequently. Unfortunately, no instrument for analysis. Posted by Arkantos @ February 28, 20130 comments Tags: 2012, ring, belt, radiation, sun, van Hallen.
A video of the Goddard Space Center finht summarizes the discovery of new radiation belt.
February 28, 2013: the radiation belts of the Earth was one of the first discoveries of the space age. A new discovery published in today's issue of Science shows that we still have much to learn from them. Twin NASA Probes Van Allen, launched last August, have revealed a third unknown radiation belt around Earth. "Even 55 years after its discovery, the radiation belts of the Earth are still able to surprise us," said Nicky Fox Van Allen Probes deputy project scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Md. "We thought knew that the radiation belts, but we do not. "
enable scientists to collect data on belts unprecedented detail. The most relevant data of this discovery came Relativistic Proton Electron Telescope (REPT) instrument, part of the Energy Probe particles, Composition and Thermal Plasma Suite (ECT).
Hundreds of satellites used for everything from weather forecasting to GPS to television routinely rub belts, subject to energetic particles that can damage solar panels and short circuiting sensitive electronics. During geomagnetic storms when the straps are swollen by solar activity, the entire fleets of satellites can be swallowed, endangering the technological foundations of everyday life on the planet. Van Allen probes directly address these problems with feet on Earth "fantastic new capabilities and technology advances in Van Allen probes allow scientists to see in unprecedented detail as the radiation belts are filled with charged particles, which causes them to change, and how they affect the upper layers of Earth's atmosphere, "said John Grunsfeld, NASA's associate administrator for science in Washington DC. For more information about Van Allen probes visit http://www.nasa.gov/vanallenprobes.
Van Allen NASA probes reveal new dynamics of radiation belts of the Earth
A graph showing the Van Allen two probes in orbit within the Earth's magnetic field. Credit: JHU / APL> Enlarge
Only 96 days since its launch, NASA's twin probes Van Allen has provided new insights into the structure and Behaviour of the radiation belts surrounding the Earth, giving scientists a better understanding of the fundamental physical properties of these regions, more than half a century after its discovery. In a press conference on Tuesday, December 4th in meeting the American Geophysical Union Fall 2012 in San Francisco, the team members discussed Van Allen Science Probes current findings made in unraveling the mysteries of the radiation belts. These two donut-shaped regions of energetic particles and dangerous - named for its discoverer and namesake of the mission, the American physicist James Van Allen of the University of Iowa - are created by the magnetosphere of our planet, and can damage space technologies such as satellites and manned space travel. During the short life of the early two-year mission, energetic events and plasma ejections from the sun caused dramatic changes in the radiation belts, for the first time, were observed by the sister ship to the belts. "The sun has been an engine of these systems more than they had a right to expect," said Daniel Baker, principal investigator, Van Allen Relativistic Electron Proton Telescope Probes (REPT, part of the Energetic Particle, Composition and Thermal Plasma Suite , or ECT), the Laboratory of Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado, Boulder. "We are seeing new features that we had not expected
high data sampling rate, the instrument made by electric and magnetic
field, integrated suite of scientific instruments (EMFISIS) on NASA
probes Van Allen right after launch, shows a strong correlation between
chorus waves (sounds like birds
recorded by EMFISIS) and disturbance storm time (DST), a value that is
used to measure geomagnetic activity during magnetic storms. A
fall in the summer time (above) you can see that correlates with
increased activity choir (more red, orange and yellow) in the lower
plot. This
correlation may be critical for the association of the strong
acceleration of particles with some magnetic storms, scientists are now
working to learn more about the exact processes at work. Credit: University of Iowa / NASA. > EnlargeBut
actually they are teokosmoviologikamente van allen i fields because
suddenly appeared in the most dangerous dates for the land?, To begin to
clarify this question we are going to read an explanation impressive
offering us theTibet sage KúmidoI
want to give a contribution on the subject of the Van Allen shields
well known because of the name of its discoverer Electromagnetic These
shields are usually invisible to the human eye, the invisibility of
these bands or shields due to its weakening ... These
shields are characterized emanate a color ... but because of the sin of
man, these shields have been weakened in great shape ... the scientists
have discovered only two strips of these shields, but the truth is 7
... now with technology
that allows global elite scientists, it has been observed two of these
electromagnetic shields ... and in November 2012 was observed, or
rather, was seen a third coat, and was visible for a few weeks ...this
is no accident, is the living proof of the power emanating mutasel
foátiko (mutation) of the energy channeled through runic processes that
have been running the Great Elohim Miguel, the Great Mother Gaia and the
nine Regents ... and this visibility of this third
coat is strengthening, these seven magnetic shields in some past in
which Gaia (earth) has vido (been) an Eden, these seven shields emanate
their colors and these colors, in turn, ekloselan (light emanating to
support the creation, permeating your light) of living bodies, plants,
and even stones that are on the field, many colors, which beautify the
area inti large, making it an Eden, these seven shields can
not be confused with the 7 bands Atmospheric, these shields are
special, and handle other cosmic laws were designed to trap harmful
particles to the area and prevent their entry for a simple example of
what happened last November, we can say that is
like a human body, which is exercised by sakrógesis (special exercises)
.... automatically thighs begin to grow, to be defined, and goes well
with the magnetic field of the sphere, which flows in a toroidal shape,
which was strengthened,
on this occasion, with runic work thus avoiding dangerous solar flare
that coming into the area, does cause damage to its inhabitants ....
Reverend Gratísimas Dahamlaker, these are my words about this important
subject, your worship is
organizing and wish him success in this work soon ... so God's people
can know this great kindness that the Elohim have had for the area and
its inhabitants.Only 96 days since its launch, NASA's twin probes Van Allen has provided new insights into the structure and Behaviour of the radiation belts surrounding the Earth, giving scientists a better understanding of the fundamental physical properties of these regions, more than half a century after its discovery. In a press conference on Tuesday, December 4th in meeting the American Geophysical Union Fall 2012 in San Francisco, the team members discussed Van Allen Science Probes current findings made in unraveling the mysteries of the radiation belts. These two donut-shaped regions of energetic particles and dangerous - named for its discoverer and namesake of the mission, the American physicist James Van Allen of the University of Iowa - are created by the magnetosphere of our planet, and can damage space technologies such as satellites and manned space travel. During the short life of the early two-year mission, energetic events and plasma ejections from the sun caused dramatic changes in the radiation belts, for the first time, were observed by the sister ship to the belts. "The sun has been an engine of these systems more than they had a right to expect," said Daniel Baker, principal investigator, Van Allen Relativistic Electron Proton Telescope Probes (REPT, part of the Energetic Particle, Composition and Thermal Plasma Suite , or ECT), the Laboratory of Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado, Boulder. "We are seeing new features that we had not expected
Amazing how SAVIO'S Tivet message, the sublime KUMIDO LORD, and let comprobarles this interaction of the magnetic fields of our mother EARTH GAIA, at a time which i interacted magnetic field fields VAN ALLEN, with plasma from sun.
with respect to the colors of the shields protecting the area today are virtually invisible to the human eye does not perceive these colors because of its spiritual decline, more than this, no existing method to explain the precise color, because colors that are not visible to the human eye ... and therefore does not have the human being inti recording the immeasurable beauty of these heavenly colors, technological devices have been fabricated, perceive the spectral range of these shields and appliances give some colors, that being a reflection is not total inti beauty, or color quality emanating these fields ...
Venerable readers is very graphic i blunt this explanation about the event that occurred thorium saves to strengthening VAN ALLEN fields, now we go further in this study, we see that we were saved, who activated these fields i which methods were employed to save us from many dangers.
Venerable readers begin to know all the dangers and how we were saved per serving of supernatural forces and unknown to man.
ALVORES THE 21 DECEMBER 2012 REPORT OF A POWERFUL GOVERNMENT LAND: Contact within high government circles, a very powerful country, revealed that the magma is now flowing rapidly and erratically and quickly worldwide. The magma under the crust of the earth is today, the day August 30, 2012, in a state of extreme volatility, because the planet's core vibrates to a faster and faster pace, due to imminent change dimensional, taking place from 21 st DECEMBER 2012, this many extinct volcanoes that are created or inactive by scientists and scholars and conceited who know absolutely nothing about the real science that drives the daily operations of the land.
The black hole of the Milky Way ejected X-ray flare brighter
Our sun began its solar maximum than at any moment became very aggressive after August 2012, especially NASA, making this record as the moment in which a moment ANOTHER VAN ALLEN FIELDS LAUNCH activation.
El 31 de agosto de 2012, una prominencia gigante
en el Sol estalló, enviando partículas y una onda de choque que viajaba cerca
de la Tierra. Este evento puede haber sido una de las causas de un cinturón de
radiación tercero que apareció alrededor de la Tierra a los pocos días, un
fenómeno que se observó por primera vez en el recientemente lanzado sondas de Van
Allen. Esta imagen de la prominencia antes de su erupción fue capturado por la
NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Crédito: NASA / SDO / AIA / Goddard
Space Flight Center
La extraña aparición del tercer campo de VAN
ALLEN no fue al azar, fue lograda por la labor de un conglomerado de SERES DE LUZ,
que vienen de otros lugares cósmicos en ayuda de la raza humana, pero veamos cómo
se aceleró el SOL EN PLENO 20 21 Y22 DE DICIEMBRE DEL 2012. Informe de la nasa
al respecto de estas fechas:
Farside ACTIVIDAD SOLAR: El Earthside del sol sigue
siendo tranquilo, pero la cara oculta está cada vez más inquieta. Durante las
últimas horas del 20 y continuando hasta Dic. 21 de diciembre, el Observatorio
Solar y Heliosférico (SOHO) ha registrado una serie de CMEs que vuelan sobre el
limbo solar:
La fuente de las nubes parece ser varios sitios de BLAST en la cara oculta
del sol. Esto significa Tierra no está en la línea de fuego. El ritmo creciente
de la actividad cara oculta, sin embargo, sugiere que el Earthside podría no
estar muy lejos. Estate atento a los cambios. Alertas de llamaradas solares: texto,
ERUPCIÓN cara oculta: No hay llamaradas fuertes han
emitido desde el sol en las últimas semanas, pero la actividad solar podría no
ser tan baja como parece. La cara oculta del sol es cada vez más inquieta. El
21 de diciembre, las CME múltiples voló sobre el borde del disco solar, y hoy
STEREO-A de la NASA nave espacial observada un filamento en erupción en la cara
oculta. El lugar de la explosión es un círculo en esta imagen ultravioleta
extrema adoptada en 23 de diciembre a las 11:15 UT:
Esta actividad sugiere que el pronóstico a largo plazo
podría ser tormentoso. En una o dos semanas, las regiones activas actualmente
en el lado oculto a su vez hacia la Tierra, posiblemente el envío de algunas
llamaradas y CMEs nuestro camino. Alertas de llamaradas solares: texto, voz.
No hay duda de la perturbadora actividad que desemboco en
las fechas ya conocidas, donde se acentuó el peligro sobre los habitantes de la
tierra, y este peligro no solo vino de afuera el aumento de la resonancia shumman
incremento las palpitaciones del corazón interno de la tierra, pero que es esto
de la resonancia shumman.
Resonancia Schumann: es un conjunto de picos en la banda
de frecuencia extremadamente baja (ELF) del espectro radioeléctrico de la
Esto es porque el espacio entre la superficie terrestre y
la ionosfera actúa como una guía de onda. Las dimensiones limitadas terrestres
provocan que esta guía de onda actúe como cavidad resonante para las ondas
electromagnéticas en la banda ELF. La cavidad es excitada en forma natural por
los relámpagos, y también, dado que su séptimo sobretodo se ubica
aproximadamente en 60 Hz, influyen las redes de transmisión eléctrica de los
territorios en que se emplea corriente alterna de esa frecuencia.
La frecuencia más baja, y al mismo tiempo la intensidad
más alta, de la resonancia de Schumann se sitúa en aproximadamente 7,83 Hz. Los
sobre tonos detectables se extienden hasta el rango de kilohercios.
Este fenómeno se llama así en honor de Winfried Otto
Schumann, que predijo matemáticamente su existencia en 1952,1 a pesar de ser
observada por primera vez por Nikola Tesla y formar la base de su esquema para
transmisión de energía y comunicaciones inalámbricas.2 La primera
representación espectral de este fenómeno fue preparado por Balser y Wagner en
scumman resonance, increase all changes physically on earth, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, droughts, hurricanes, typhoons, severe cold, disorders camobio evident before the great coming.
THE WORLD ELITE AND THEIR PREPARATION FOR THESE DATES: but not only gave common world aware of the dangers of the world, the elite, the Illuminati and secret societies knew of impending danger but secretly i shamelessly silent bunkers created to protect them, and protect Vatican representatives, according to that order or disorder the vicar of Rome on 111th salvageable. But all his plans were thwarted. And life goes on and everything is for love of God and the PLAN LAVACION of the Elohim, see the following video demonstrates this fact we claim.
You know the mechanical impresendible salivatorias i know KE ON 21 DECEMBER 2012 nothing happened?Well here are the facts that made this possible:
When initiating the imminent danger call Eva RUVLA sap the centuries belonging to the teacher aware of the earth, delivers a series of techniques to strengthen the shield of the earth to strengthen the human shield of the man, through a rich i nourished routine, this in order to reorganize the Pacific Ring of Fire and i actually was achieved, was one of the first steps you took to achieve the saving of the human race.While this sap showed us this technique would save, appeared the sacred presence of an elderly man, of times past called Diogenes, this delivered a series of runes that I came to be called LUS ERF runes ALSO THE MAN AND KAI THU THE SAN GUI, strange runes i changed the human psyche reorganized the internal energies of the earth, which began its life energy flow.
We saw back pages the story of a high-powered government secretly communicated the facts of danger to the earth, becoming imminent abrupt change forced by the three days of darkness, to be presented on 20 December 2012 onwards by passing through the null zone, but that began in September hiso strengthening Vann giant field ALLEN AND PHYSICALLY appeareth a third field?, the appearance of nine cosmic midwives who brought a strange but powerful rune rune called BIOGEOHELIOELEKTROKOSMOVILOGIKA, This rune Altargo or custom route the electrical energy flows of the earth, with the power of the cosmos, i GAIA surrounding worlds, this in order to regulate the internal energies THE CENTER OF THE EARTH well i was achieved, while simultaneously from August 2012, began the process of thickening VAN ALLEN field, by November 2012 most of the land regents were already redirecting the energies of each of the places on earth, making the earth or locate you gea PACEMAKER a GREAT COSMIC, which managed to balance the speed of the Schumann Resonance, thus making this not arrive on December 21 at 13 HRZ, which would have caused an immediate change in the land, I control this pacemaker spheral internal palpitations directing land JEHOVISTICO fire flow, to not come out to the surface, the high god blessings THIS MAGNA LAVOR its 9 REGENTS cosmic kienes hastily SAVED LIFE ON EARTH.MIGUEL GREAT ARMY OF THE WORD AND MOTHER GAIA.
But not only were aided by the regents i other children of the Most High, simultaneously, the army lifted the great MIGUEL word, that is for all the children of the Great God, the cosmic hierarch, use geodetic cosmic fields connect the netting of land from the 210 i start creating multiple calls trenches terrestrial cosmic mandalas, and already in 2012 accelerated to 100 100 creating these mandalas located throughout the roundness of the earth, this terrestrial netting nurtured MAGNETIKOS invisible threads wisely LAND, putting cosmic consistent with purest energies of the cosmos, making a change, catastrophic for mankind, a real change in consciousness, opening up this cosmic JERARKA the possibility of living in the dawn a new slate of a new time, KONCIENCIA lift to all mankind, pushing his word the imminent danger that stalked him land.
Simultaneously the physical body of the land consents called Gaia, activating impulse solar discs land in other races had filled with wisdom and balance the physical body worn his gigantic, the venerable and great Mother Gaia, like the Mr. MIGUEL mother Gaia, with the help of large SPACE Watchers, the host of heaven, the Intergalactic Confederation, were located around the solar system in the constellation i i compromised systems leading to effect a plan of salvation using all energy COSMIC FOHATIKA reconstructive MOVING SITES AND CREATING DESPLASANDO cosmic lines THREADS harmonic force which prevented DARKNESS will be reflected on these regions of the cosmos.
Remember God's love is infinite i venditos are the Elohim, today body on earth who managed to change a time of death and destruction, for peacetime i love cosmic harmony, to which we all scream WORLD WE WILL NOT to end.