The spine is damaged by 80 percent of adults. That is my experience. Medical science has not really studied the issue and almost all problems of the spine treated with symptomatic. For almost all uses diclofenac, infiltrations or even carpal tunnel surgery. Even migraine as such there is only a problem in the neck that is corrected with exercise and diet.
Until now no doctor on earth has been given to examine the curvature of the spine except in cases of lordosis or kyphosis. Overall everything look with radiographs or electro driving and attending many unnecessary surgeries.
The spine problems and derive from there and are epidemic.
For the current normal human thinking that old people drag their feet and made clothing. They just get sticks and diapers and that was that. Thus worldwide. Some people have constipation tenacious and very often find IBS which has among its components, a column topic. Surgeries are very common in the latter case.
Actually migraine, bursitis and pain problems classified as carpal tunnel are not such, are actually back problems. Medical science treats them separately when in reality it is simple spinal problems and all of them are treated with simple exercises, basic do.
The spine, neck, has seven vertebrae. He is called cervical. When these vertebrae are misaligned produce migraine, bursitis, tendinitis, laryngitis, hypo-or hyperthyroidism, bronchitis. All external and internal organs, including the teeth, the upper trunk, are affected. Therein lies one of your problems.
Neuralgias are almost always caused by misalignment of the spine, so if in the face, limbs or back. The major problem is that many diseases produce symptoms that people conceal taking painkillers. Not just people. Medical science does the same.
Actually, for dentists, should be a matter to teach them to give maintenance to the column because as your job is standing then it is more vital.
For one know how the neck is the method is very simple. No need tomography, or x-rays, or driving electro. No need to go to a neurologist or physiatrist.
I drive a criterion that is the curvature and is as follows;
The person lies down on the floor, not in bed or on a stretcher. He puts his hand on the neck, on the right side. As touched his left ear. If the hand passes largely has curvature problems.
To correct problems in the neck curvature proceed as follows:
You lie on the floor, on the wood floor, tile or carpet, face up. Shakes his head as if to touch her breasts. You can start with about 10 or more if it resists movement. The important thing is that both endures look tired. At first you may feel discomfort in the muscles of the neck or even on the face. You start with 10 for a week. The following week up to 15. The following 20, etc.. Until you can do 200 or 300 times daily. As you can see it takes time.
When one or lie on your back on the floor, not in bed, and the hand does not fit through the neck. Cured. It's that simple. His is a very simple, but very annoying. As a toothache is not very serious but if unbearable.
Another problem is the curvature and the waist. There are the lumbar vertebrae. When problems there arises the following:
Tired to stand, knee pain, hot or cold feet, constipation, bowel problems may appear underwear urinated or smeared stool without the person realizing it. These and many others are back problems.
For more great trouble bending your waist you get to put your back on the floor, not in bed, and we put his right hand around her waist to see if it passes. If all goes easily or in part, no trouble with the curvature.
The fix is ​​simple, but takes time and patience.
Purchasing a brick lamp, ie of those holes and large. Put forras 10x30x15 and cloth or newspaper so do not scrub or dirty clothes. It also serves a wooden log. You put your back into your buttocks and stretch your feet. 5 minuticos. Then fold the remaining brick and backs. Increases the permanence of the brick to take 20 or 30 minutes a day. You can do it in the morning or evening.
I give them my patients I make an ointment which helps a lot with the discomfort.
The day you lie on your back and your hand does not fit through the waist these cured and all your hassles have disappeared.
You should check if you have arch in the foot because they do not have it misaligned spine and then you have to wear shoes with insoles.
Share this item with your classmates but controversy can arm yourself because there are things that science can not and the neurologists and physiatrists are going to fight. NO balls stop them.