the mysteries of light

The Mysteries

all you do is think to mention is also made in other Dimensions and other worlds or spheres,
smoke rising from here down, turn up the lamps, the energy mutasel of genetic, its mutating all this sacred energy and lights up all chakras lamps or both of their temples as above, and all the lights shine on sky, so all areas are blessed.
In his ascension, the smoke is mutated genetic energy down here, delights the areas above.
And so on down desire, thoughts, actions, the oraseles, the waters here; below to receive spring, the waters above the mutasel from sex for the spine and Pingala Idala two snakes enrroscadas rising energy semen per vertebra and steam is opening this chakra each lamp or lighting up to the brain up joining with the waters that are dry in neurons by forming an X and the Tao, Tao the three energies with the three Major points Arkadio CGKo TAO is the balance of the daily life of people living with the doctrine of God fulfilling its laws and status, discipline, rules, yet good behavior, tolerance, love for his fellow man, respect for the will of each person, responsibility, order, cleanliness and care for each other and for the field, self-observation of the psyche from moment to moment, and transformasel of defects into virtues, the order at home and himself, in teamwork, harmony, caring for all that manipulate as water, light, recycling everything together no waste, no salt together with sweet, all this damages the body by creating enzymes and all that is bad too bad because all wing and Mother Nature, not throwing garbage on the floor, wings streets, be very organized, have positive thoughts pure and clear thinking big, the preparation of the saviduria internal and external wisdom.
At that time all the lamps of all persons or beings are on and all areas, those above and those below, are filled with all the blessings of the Holy Blessed be the Lord God. join Recho side with the left in the martial arts, uniting all circuits or parts of each in the practice of the great work of God, and so probocar union of the masculine with the feminine. Solomon 2.6
When the energies eva male working in the great work all areas vendecidas and queen are pure and true love, joy, happiness, harmony and support of one another in all areas as above and below.

we spilled semen genetic energy, in those days the heavens and the earth wept for the destruction of the temple, and said that the temple of the Lord God is the temple of the eve, there dwells the Holy One Blessed clothe the sky of dark sack cover you (Isaiah 50.3)
So angels mourned the destruction of the temple as it is written, His heralds shout in the streets, the angels of peace weep bitterly.
the sun and moon wept also the destruction of the temple and its light became darkness darkened the sun in its dawn, the moon does not radiate light
Isaiah 13.10) whereas all creatures above and below shed tears and mourning led after the Temple's destruction: sin
the saviduria this in that temple and pull it out by taking the three energies of each point laboring husbands without being promiscuous with patience, love, perseverance, discipline, order, comprensel, dedicasel, all frequencies will rise redesen for humans. reach the perfect marriage without sullying.
being an exemplary husband an excellent father, a model citizen, who fulfills his duties practitioners of values ​​tenieno civility laws, organized well dressed clean, correct and decent gentleman without being envious, by the progress of others, we must have Simple mind, simple child be like children, we must not hide the crime but to transform, not live appearances, be supportive, and recognize that we are the dust of the ground and we're on a mission qui themselves with us in learning with the same life-improvement and improvement with them and we demas.busquemos the Master within our intimate Kristo, and we labor in pair with the seed, with faith and dedication.
with the mysteries of light.


The message of love and now you have saviduria
in your hands. Fruit is light spirits
sufferers to contemplate the man plunged
in such despair and pain.

If you've ever felt angusticia Oh the occasion of
the big questions that torment
your spirit: Read this message
and there will be peace in the depths of your being.

In the tough fight for life, when
exhaustion exhausted your strength, let this message as rain
like a sunbeam, which then germinate and fructify the seed.
that lies in you planted your seed ke ....... and you mutate and transform into light subtle uploading in your spine to the brain, with three changes. natural and healthy diet, the mutasel of Christ in substance and awareness, exercise the practice of martial arts, runes, sacrogesis, vatores, weights, walking handstands on the hands, the rune of the mutants, the observation of the self psyche, the orasel to God at all times, good verb, the kastidad scientific pure thoughts, the early the morning, no salt together with sweet or salted sitricos, namely combining alisiertos not eat junk food, and grease or soda, butter meats of all kinds, sausages, these dyes in the body causing the esteopororosis. and quantities of diseases.
your alisierto be your medicine your medicine be your alisierto.

So those who watch because you are worthy to call man;
They send their word for
that, when you feel thirst for truth, in this source abreves
 of unfailing love and saviduria.
mutasel with your own waters, upload Mutala be pure water rivers that flow within you.

May peace be deep in you, because in your heart
there is love for this humanity, steeped in pain
for their ignorance, are increasingly removed from the path
light, to rush into an abyss of darkness annihilating
anything more divine beauty and his undying spirit ................. Semen spilling his seed knocking him, God within us ourselves. mutates your sperm energy Sakra sacred waters of life. your seed.

Read this post and read it again each time you hesitate
the value to your spirit infuses this overused day with tears of blood.

Father Jehovah Elohim gratitude of this area for your Sakra doktrina support all your children of this area
ke your sakros Mysteries reach all areas for redensel of humanity. Masters of the Horsemen Veneravles of Souls gratitude for being in this area.