Eggplant New Discoveries
• Anti-cancer
• Diuretic
• Rich in Potassium, Calcium-Phosphorus
• Digestive
• Help the Heart
• Diets Help
So everyone knows this vegetable skin and bright purple. Contains terpenes, substances capable of neutralizing the effect of steroid hormones that promote the development of certain cancers. Eggplant also reduces oxidation processes that make cells more susceptible to tumor development.
It is a vegetable with beneficial for the heart, as it provides a substantial amount of potassium, which helps normalize blood pressure, with a minimum of calories and fat. This helps reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke.
It is also rich in calcium, phosphorus and fiber, which promotes intestinal transit.
People with digestive problems should take preferentially at noon.
• It has diuretic, reduces blood pressure, benefits the heart and prevents cancer.
• Suitable for weight loss diets for their low calories.