Who are they and do here on Earth?
The Star Elders, or White Wise Elders are with us since prehistoric times. They came to observe the evolutionary cycles of the Earth and wanted to find out why, we were out of sync with the rest of the universe.
Was "enamored" of the people of Earth and decided to stay to teach what they knew.
They were in the Times of Lemuria and Atlantis, in the Inca World Birth in Birth of the Egyptian was in the Himalayas and Tibet, Sacred Mountains of America ....
They planted the Seed of Cosmic Truth at different times and places and left to evolve naturally. For this reason we found many commonalities in the various religions and cultures of the world.
The Wise Elders or White Star Elders are very similar to the Ascended Masters. They work directly with the White Brotherhood. Mainly with the Master Jesus-Sananda, Jesuha-Christ, the Virgin Mary, Buddha and other Buddhist teachers, the Archangel Michael and other Archangels as Zadkiel, Rasiel and Suriel, with the Lord Meru and the Brotherhood of the 7 Rays and the list goes on and ......